Thursday, August 20, 2009

Simple Summer Fun

At least once a day we all go outside to ride bikes, draw on the sidewalk, take a walk, find special treasures, lift up rocks to find rolly pollies (annaliese and tristans favorite), find other types of bugs and give them special names, play in the sprinker, play in the baby pool, kick the soccer ball, play in mud puddles, make mud pies, eat dirt and grass, get grass stained clothes, throw crabapples and smash them, eat crabapples and see what a crazy face you make from the sourness of them and so much more. The things to do outside are endless with three curious children. This is a critical part of our day with the boys. Annaliese does not seem as if she needs this time quite as much as the boys, but our day certainly goes better if we are outside for a good portion of the day. Since we have been in our new house Gavin is actually squawking 50% less than he was before we moved here and I think it is because we have the outside time!

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